Disadvantages of Alternative Assessment

- Distortion of values - result in learning being conceived as instrumentally rather than intrinsically important (Alaska Education, 1996).
- Issue of evaluations of student achievement should be based on the   professional judgment of the assessor (Stiggins, 1991).

- Issue of subjectivity (largely the reliability issue) and difficulties in developing standards for evaluation (Liskin-Gasparro, 1997).

- Difficulties in applying across a group of portfolios or oral performances or research projects (Liskin-Gasparro, 1997).

- Selection of domains of knowledge to be tested and the basis. Explanation as   to why were the omitted domains left out? (Liskin-Gasparro, 1997).

- Biases that underlie the development and evaluation of alternative   assessments (Liskin-Gasparro, 1997).

- Design ill-structured, messy, open-ended, and complex (Liskin-Gasparro, 1997).

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